Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Get Back Your Natural Health And Wellnes

Natural Health is not something  every one is interested in or understands. Why is that? Mankind has worked against nature for ages in one way or another in the name of progress. Instead we should working with nature and respect it and care for it. I think nobody believes we should return to the stone age to live like then. But we have the technology to do a lot more for the environment and our health. The more we are in harmony with nature the better natural health we can enjoy. We can not enjoy natural  health if our idea is treating the symptoms rather then the cause of the disease.  

Symptoms are like gauges in our cars. If the engine light would come on would you ignore it? or perhaps just disconnect it? Or would you look for the cause of the problem?  What do you do when you have a headache?  Well one choice is to take a painkiller pill and think that will fix it. Or as with the car to go and look for the cause of the problem. The headache could be caused by something simple as lack of sleep or a underlying stomach problem or it could be something worse. The definition of natural health is to go to the root of the problem and support nature to heal it self in the body and in nature in general. But prevention is better then the cure. To treat our bodies with dangerous drugs that cause side effects and then we need an other drug to treat the side effects. Do you get the picture? That's not the definition of optimum natural health.

With natural health and beauty and skin care it is also more then just put on lotions, creams and oils on your skin to cover blemishes and wrinkles. Even though there are good natural skin products to use it is also important to remember that with natural health the body is nourishing the skin from with in. When we eat healthy food and drink lots of pure and clean water to hydrate the body and the skin.And with some other healthy practices like exercise and rest that is more of a recipe of natural health, beauty and wellness!